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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Genesis 1:9-31

This term "formless" keeps coming back up, but that is hard for me to wrap my  head around. It doesn't really even make sense as a word. I mean everything has some kind of form. It might be geometrically formless but nevertheless, it must have a form. So the notion that the earth was formless seems a little much for me to handle.
The way this first chapter is written, it makes me thing that the writers of the this book of the bible were under the impression that the earth was the center of the universe. This, as we know now, is extremely incorrect. So I wonder if this makes the bible a little "dated", for a lack of better word.
God setting time into place is very interesting to me. I assume that before the earth was "created", that time did not exist. My reasoning for this is because a being that is eternal, no beginning, no end, would have no need for time.
It is clear that the stars aren't in the sky just to give us light. That is nonsense. Those stars don't give a shit about humans or earth, most of them are bigger than our own star, the sun. Yet the sun is the most important thing in the universe to us.

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