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Monday, October 10, 2011

Genesis 1:1-8

The first part of the last blog was just a series of questions that were meant to be thought starters for me on this blog.
1.)Through all the scientific research that was been done through astronomy and whatnot, we (the human race) has figured out how extremely insignificant Earth is in the universe. It is just a tiny planet that in a tiny solar system that is inside of a small galaxy (the Milky Way). So why was emphasis placed on god having created the heavens AND the earth? Maybe the answer is because earth is the only life sustaining planet. I don't personally subscribe to this way of thinking. I think it's totally realistic for aliens to exist somewhere in the universe. It is not too farfetched when you think about how vast and gigantic the known universe is. Now, notice I used the word "known". That means that astronomers are discovering new parts of the universe everyday. This tells me that the "known universe" is also expanding every day. So the prospects of the perfect scenario for life to happen could totally randomly happen again in another galaxy. That's not too much of a stretch for me to believe
2.) Maybe god knew that humans would be reading the bible so he got the writers to throw in the part about the earth for the benefit of the readers. This seems a little far fetched though
3.) I like the idea of the metaphor being used where the heavens represent the spiritual heaven that most christians look forward to and the earth represents the physical world/universe. But if this is the case, it means that heaven and all the angels that god created where created at the same time as the world. This seems weird, because I always thought of the angels and the spiritual world existing a long time before the physical world.
4.) The idea that the spirit world is all around us, but we just don't have the senses to experience them is very interesting to me. I've heard sermons before where the premise is that heaven is actually on earth, but we just can't experience until we die. Maybe that is exactly what is going on here, in this idea. Upon death, we forfeit our 5 senses that we have now and we gain a whole new set of senses. This means that we would no longer be able to experience the physical world as we know it now, but we can experience the spirit world that is all around us now. It is interesting to think about the boundaries of our (humans) senses. If we could not smell, then farts wouldn't be a problem. We could be sitting in the middle of someone's ass gas we would be totally oblivious. If we couldn't hear, we wouldn't be able to experience music at all. This means that we wouldn't be able to take advantage of the mood changing effects of a good song or the therapeutic lyrics of that one song that describes the way that you feel perfectly. When I think about this, I imagine how many other things there are to be experienced in this world that we just are not able to witness because we don't have the sensational equipment to do so.

The last part of the blog just points out some inconsistencies and things that don't make sense to me. It blows my mind that I only have to read through the eighth verse to start thinking of and pointing out inconsistencies. This shouldn't happen in the holy, perfect word of god.

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